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Jewish Burial Customs and the Shroud

Krzysztof Pilarczyk Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland https://doi.org/10.12797/9788381388368.I.3 The traces on the Shroud of Turin represent a man subjected to torment and crucifixion before death. These traces must be contrasted with the Jewish burial rites that were in force at the end of the so-called Second Temple period (i.e. the Read more…

The Shroud of Jesus in the New Testament

Roman Bogacz Pontifical University of John Paul II, Kraków, Poland https://doi.org/10.12797/9788381388368.I.1 To describe the shroud as a burial cloth, the Evangelists used two terms: ἡ σινδών and τό ὀθόνιον. These are not precise. In Greek, the former means a thin linen or cotton cloth; also, a garment of such fabric, Read more…

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