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Polish Syndonology

Krzysztof Pilarczyk Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland https://doi.org/10.12797/9788381388368.II.4 Polish syndonology is that part of scientific research, started in Poland and among the Polish community at the beginning of the 20th century, which deals with the Shroud of Turin and the popularisation of knowledge about it. Until 1939 these were few, Read more…

The Shroud of Jesus in the New Testament

Roman Bogacz Pontifical University of John Paul II, Kraków, Poland https://doi.org/10.12797/9788381388368.I.1 To describe the shroud as a burial cloth, the Evangelists used two terms: ἡ σινδών and τό ὀθόνιον. These are not precise. In Greek, the former means a thin linen or cotton cloth; also, a garment of such fabric, Read more…

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