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Marcin Grala Pontifical University of John Paul II, Kraków, Poland https://doi.org/10.12797/9788381388368.IV.12 (Old Greek: Κωνσταντινούπολις)—the capital of the Byzantine Empire, now Istanbul in Turkey. Constantinople was founded by Emperor Constantine the Great (324–337) on the site of the Greek city of Byzantion, located on the Bosporus and which was a colony Read more…

The Shroud in Constantinople

Marcin Grala Pontifical University of John Paul II, Kraków, Poland https://doi.org/10.12797/9788381388368.I.5 The Shroud of Turin probably has ancient origins, but it is very difficult for historians to reconstruct its fate over so many years. The best documented period of the history of the linen, which is now kept in Turin, Read more…

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