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Ziółkowski Zenon Piotr (b. 1927)

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Krzysztof Pilarczyk
Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland

Polish biblical scholar, member of the Association of Polish Biblical Scholars, populariser of theology, author of religious books, publicist, sindonologist. His first syndonological publications appeared in the first half of the 1970s. He became interested in the Turin Shroud during an extended stay in Turin, having had the opportunity to come into contact with the cloth on display and participating in Pope John Paul II’s visit to the city, which Ziółkowski reported on in the Polish press. He had previously taken part in foreign symposiums on the Shroud, including one in London in 1977.

He was the first to collate Polish syndonological publications, a bibliographical list of which was included in the 1983 translation of Ian Wilson’s work The Shroud of Turin. The year 1994 brought his first major, self-contained popular science study entitled Spór o Całun Turyński. Relikwia męki Pańskiej w świetle najnowszych badań naukowych [English: The Dispute Over the Turin Shroud: The Relic of Christ’s Passion in the Light of the Latest Scientific Research] (2nd edition—1996), and in 2011 Ziółkowski published a second book on the Shroud entitled Całun Turyński. Milczący świadek męki, śmierci i zmartwychwstania [English: The Turin Shroud: Silent Witness of the Passion, Death and Resurrection, in which he acquaints the reader with the latest findings concerning the Turin cloth. He himself argues for its authenticity and ancient origin. In his view, the cloth is the Shroud of Jesus in which his body was placed in the tomb. Ziółkowski does not shy away from a devotional approach to the presented issues both in his publications and in his popularization activities. This is a feature of all his religious writing covering the area of biblical studies, the history and spirituality of John Paul II, Padre Pio, Sister Faustina and that of sindonology.


Pilarczyk K., Polska bibliografia syndonologiczna (1900-2020), [in:] idem, Studia z biblistyki, apokryfistyki, judaistyki i syndonologii, Warszawa 2020, pp. 475–504.

Pilarczyk K., Polscy syndonolodzy. Z dziejów badań Całunu Turyńskiego i ich popularyzacji, “Collectanea Theologica” 2018, Vol. 88, No. 2, pp. 32–33, https://doi.org/10.21697/­ct.2018.88.2.02.

Syndonological Bibliography

Ziółkowski Z., Elektroniczne badania nad życiem i śmiercią Jezusa. Ten spór trwa już od wieków, “Słowo Powszechne” 1973, Vol. 27, No. 197, pp. 3–4, with illustrations.

Ziółkowski Z., Śladami Chrystusa. Krzyż i Całun, “Wrocławski Tygodnik Katolików” 1973, Vol. 21, No. 14(1021), p. 3, with illustrations.

Ziółkowski Z., Całun grobowy Jezusa. Zagadka archeologiczna (1-4), “Kierunki” 1974, Vol. 18, No. 34, pp. 1, 4, il.; No. 35, p. 4, with illustrations; No. 36, p. 4; No. 37, p. 4, with illustrations.

Ziółkowski Z., Całun Turyński w świetle najnowszych badań, “Życie i Myśl” 1974, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 23–31, with illustrations.

Ziółkowski Z., Mandylion. Śladami Całunu Turyńskiego, “Wrocławski Tygodnik Katolików” 1974, No. 14, pp. 1, 3, with illustrations.

Ziółkowski Z., Międzynarodowy Kongres o Całunie Turyńskim [Londyn], “Słowo Powszechne” 1977, Vol. 31, No. 269, pp. 6–7.

Ziółkowski Z., Człowiek z Całunu Turyńskiego, “Słowo Powszechne” 1978, Vol. 32, No. 223, pp. 6–7.

Ziółkowski Z., O Całunie Turyńskim – nie wszystko, “Słowo Powszechne” 1978, Vol. 32, No. 217, p. 7, with illustrations.

Ziółkowski Z., Tajemnica Całunu Turyńskiego, Parts 1–6, “Wrocławski Tygodnik Katolików” 1978: Part 1: No. 27, pp. 1, 3, with illustrations; Part 2: W cieniach i blaskach historii, No. 28, p. 3, with illustrations; Part 3: Malowidło czy antyczna relikwia, No. 29, pp. 3–4, with illustrations; Part 4: Makabryczne fałszerstwo?, No. 30, p. 3, with illustrations; Part 5: Chrystus czy ktoś inny, No. 31, pp. 3–4, with illustrations; Part 6: Ewangelie przeciw autentyczności, No. 32, pp. 3– 4, with illustrations.

Ziółkowski Z., Najnowsze badania naukowe nad Całunem Turyńskim, “Życie i Myśl” 1979, Vol. 29, No. 7–8, pp. 58–74, with illustrations.

Ziółkowski Z., Jan Paweł II w mieście Całunu, “Kierunki” 1980, Vol. 25, No. 15, p. 4, with illustrations.

Ziółkowski Z., Średniowieczne fałszerstwo?, “Kierunki” 1981, Vol. 26, No. 38, p. 4, with illustrations.

Ziółkowski Z., Całun Turyński. Świadectwo zmartwychwstania Chrys­tusa, “Zorza” 1982, No. 1, pp. 4–5, with illustrations.

Ziółkowski Z., Całun Turyński w literaturze polskiej (układ chronologiczny), [in:] I. Wilson, Całun Turyński, tłum. J. Piątkowska, Kraków 1983, pp. 343–346.

Ziółkowski Z., Jedna z tajemnic Całunu Turyńskiego, “Kierunki” 1984, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 1, 5, with illustrations.

Ziółkowski Z., Całun Turyński nadal strzeże swojej tajemnicy, “Zorza” 1989, No. 2, p. 8.

Ziółkowski Z., Czy Chrystus „stracił Całun”, wywiad z (…), “Słowo Powszechne” 1989, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 8–9.

Ziółkowski Z., Całun Turyński – zagadka fotograficzna, “Słowo Powszechne” 1990 [10–12 VIII], Vol. 43, with illustrations.

Ziółkowski Z., Spór o Całun Turyński. Relikwia Męki Pańskiej w świetle najnowszych badań naukowych, Warszawa 1994, 190, [16] pp., tabl., photos, with illustrations (also: 2nd ed., 1996).

Ziółkowski Z., Całun Turyński, “Miejsca Święte” 1998, No. 4(16), pp. 9–23.

Ziółkowski Z., Całun Turyński, “Niedziela” 1998, No. 14, p. 10, with illustrations.

Ziółkowski Z., Znak 2010 roku. Od 10 kwietnia do 23 maja 2010 roku będzie wystawiony Całun Turyński, “Miejsca Święte” 2010, No. 4(160), pp. 4–10, with illustrations.

Ziółkowski Z., Całun Turyński. Milczący świadek męki, śmierci i zmar­twy­chwstania, Warszawa 2011, 224 pp.

[translations] O. Petrosillo, E. Marinelli, Całun Turyński. Relikwia czy falsyfikat. Krytyka ostatniego datowania, tłum. Z. Ziółkowski, Warszawa 1993, 284 pp., with illustrations.

Ziółkowski Z., „Całun Turyński” I. Wilsona [review], “Życie i Myśl” 1984, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 102–105.

Ziółkowski Z., Książka Roku Odkupienia, “Kierunki” 1984, Vol. 29, No. 4, p. 4.

Source of Image

Private collection, https://calun.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Syndonolodzy_CT2018.pdf

Krzysztof Pilarczyk

Staff member at the Institute of Religious Studies of the Jagiellonian University, head of the Center of the History of Christian-Jewish Relations, associate at the Polish Syndonological Centre in Krakow. His interests focus on the history of Judaism, biblical and apocryphal literature, the origins of Christianity, interreligious dialogue, sindonology, Jewish book culture and religious tourism (Middle East). He publishes his scholarly activity on his website. Author of more than 300 scientific publications.

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